Delaware’s SREC Program Set To Commence
There are many incentives that help make the addition of solar to your home or business financially sound. One of those incentives are Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC) and in order to reap the benefits, you’ll need to act fast!
UPDATE: The 2021 SRECDelaware instructional webinar took place on Monday Aug. 30, at 1 p.m. EST. Click here to view the webinar recording and click here to view the PDF version of the PowerPoint used during the webinar. You can also find these resources on the SRECDelaware Program website, under the Yearly Solicitations tab. If you still have any questions about the upcoming procurement, direct your questions via email to customerservice@srecelaware.com.
The SRECDelaware Program kicks off in a matter of weeks, with 2021 solicitation beginning on Monday, Sept. 13, and remaining open for bids through Friday, Sept. 24. When you make a WINNING bid to get into the program, you’ll be granted 20 years of promised income from the production of your SRECs. This is completely separate from any energy savings on your monthly electric bill.
In this blog, we’ll define the basics of SRECs and explain how to prepare for the bidding process!
What Is An SREC?
Think of an SREC as the icing on the cake of your commitment to solar energy. In short, SRECs are a form of income you can earn just for having solar panels installed on your property.
These credits are a performance-based solar incentive. As a homeowner, you create one SREC for every megawatt hour (MWh), or 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWhs), of electricity your solar panel system generates.
What Do You Need To Do?
It might sound a tad complicated, but fret not! You will not be alone in this process! Clean Energy USA is committed to helping you realize all of the incentives associated with solar energy, including the SREC program. With that in mind, we’ve procured a wealth of resources to help you on your way to receiving the extra income you’ve earned through solar energy.
First, the SRECDelaware Program website where you will be applying, boasts plenty of helpful information, including a down-to-the-detail FAQ page, as well as registration instructions previewing all the forms you’ll need to complete. Although those forms seem rather intimidating, we can assure you that we will supply you with the answers to these forms that are unique to your own system to guide you throughout the process.
And finally, SRECDelaware will hold an informational webinar on Monday, Aug. 30, at 1 p.m. to answer all of your questions. Hosted by a panel of experts, the SREC webinar will provide an overview of the 2021 program, detail the changes from last year’s program, show an example application, and open up the floor to questions from participants.
You can expect an email with the specific details for your system prior to the application process.
For more application information, visit SRECDelaware.com or contact the SRECDelaware Program experts directly.